To the prayers of our Island Saints we commend you.
May God's angels watch around you to protect you.
May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthe you for all that lies ahead,
May Christ Jesus befriend you with his compassion and peace.
Lord, be a bright flame before us.
Be a guiding star above us.
Be a smoot path beneath us.
Be a kindly shepherd behind us.
And ..the blessing ..
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Andere pelgrimsgebeden
In de boeken over pelgrimeren die ik deze twee weken op Holy Island bestudeerd heb, kwam ik ook een aantal pelgrimsgebeden tegen, die het waard zijn hier te vermelden. Ze kunnen in vertaling of bewerking nog eens hun dienst doen. Allereerst is dat het volgende korte gebed bij de start van een pelgrimage:
O God of our journey, its beginning and its end.
source of our longing and heart of our hope,
be beside us here where you have bee before,
go ahead of us now and lead us
by the hand deep into your heart.
Uit: Andrew Jones, Pilgrimage. The journey to remembering our story, The Bible Reading Fellowhip, Abingdon, 2011, p. 189
De Ierse Redemptorist John O' Riordain sluit zijn boek over pelgrimeren af met een aantal gebeden van zijn medebroeder Dick Tobin. Tobin is een lid van het klooster van de Redemptoristen in Esker, Athenry, in het westen van Ierland. Elke zondagmiddag in de maanden mei en oktober (Mariamaanden in de katholieke traditie) worden hier pelgrimages gehouden over het terrein van het klooster langs een aantal staties. Wie dat wil, kan een deel van het traject zelfs blootvoets afleggen. Pater Tobin heeft voor deze pelgrimage een aantal gebeden geschreven. O' Riordain heeft ze in zijn boek opgenomen, omdat hij ze een universeel karakter vindt hebben. Iedereen mag ze overnemen of aanpassen aan de eigen situatie, schreef hij erbij. Dat nam mijn laatste schroom weg om ze hier over te nemen.
God of all journeys,
Our beginning and our destination,
I hear your voice calling me to set out.
I hear you in my own restlessness and dissatisfaction:
we have not here a lasting city,
so I will arise and go to my Father.
I hear you calling me as you called Abraham and Moses:
' Go into the land which I shall show you.'
I hear in the voice of your Son:
' Come, follow me.'
I set out now in pilgrimage,
leaving aside the clutter and distraction of the world,
to walk in your presence,
to walk in the footsteps of your Son,
to walk in the footsteps of St Patrick
and all the good men and women who have journeyed before me.
I call on Jesus
to light my path and be my good shepherd.
I call on Mary
to guide my steps as she guided her son' s.
I call on Patrick and all the saints of Ireland,
to be my companions on the way.
I call on the good people who have lived and prayed in this place down the years
to pray for me now
that I may have strength and heart for the journey.
I gather all my heart and mind into my walking.
I gather all my longing and seeking into my walking.
I gather all my sorrow for sin into my walking.
I gather all my thanksgiving and delight into my walking.
I gather all my sorrow and heartbreak into my walking.
Let my every step be a prayer of all that is in me,
- all that I know and all that is dark and obscure.
Bless the path on which I go.
Bless the earth under my feet.
Bless the friends who walk by my side.
I set out in the name of the Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
God of the infinite spaces - Glory and praise to you
God of sun, moon and stars - Glory and praise to you
God of earth, sea and sky - Glory and praise to you
God of grass and tree and flower - Glory and praise to you
God of bird and beast and fish - Glory and praise to you
God of sunshine, wind and rain - Glory and praise to you
Father and lover of humanity - Glory and praise to you.
We cry to you on behalf of the world - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
That we may love and care for the earth, sea and air - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
That we may love and care for all your creatures - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
That we may love and care for al your people - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For those whose humanity is destroyed by hunger - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For those whose humanity is destroyed by the abuse of power - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For those whose humanity is destroyed by the sins of others - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are lost and lonely - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are sick and dying - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are depressed and despairing - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all whose hearts are broken - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who have lost the faith - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who do not know you - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are prisoners of addiction - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who seek you sincerely - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who seek you in the wrong places - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are lost in their own sins - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who struggle to make peace - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who struggle to do good - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who struggle to save others - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who have power and influence - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are powerless and oppressed - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For your church in service of the world - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are especially dear to our heart - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
Let us pray.
Father, it is good for us to be here and to lift our arms on behalf of the world.
We rejoice in it, because it is your beautiful creation.
We weep over it, because it is so full of suffering and tears.
May we always hold it in our hearts and bring to it the truth and goodness of your Son' s gospel.
We pray this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
My thanks to you, Father,
for the pilgrim journey I have undertaken.
My thanks for the strength and heart
to walk in your presence.
My thanks for your supporting love
along the way.
My thanks for rest and peace
now at the end of it all.
Here in your house
may I taste the peace of heaven,
may I taste the joy of being cleansed and forgiven,
may I taste the fulness of your love.
From this day forth
let all my journeys
echo with the meaning of this journey.
Wherever I go
let me bring with me a awareness of your presence
and the joy of your kingdom,
where you live with your Son and Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever. Amen.
John J. Ó Riordáin CSSR, The Columba Press, Dublin, 1997 p. 114-117
De Ierse Redemptorist John O' Riordain sluit zijn boek over pelgrimeren af met een aantal gebeden van zijn medebroeder Dick Tobin. Tobin is een lid van het klooster van de Redemptoristen in Esker, Athenry, in het westen van Ierland. Elke zondagmiddag in de maanden mei en oktober (Mariamaanden in de katholieke traditie) worden hier pelgrimages gehouden over het terrein van het klooster langs een aantal staties. Wie dat wil, kan een deel van het traject zelfs blootvoets afleggen. Pater Tobin heeft voor deze pelgrimage een aantal gebeden geschreven. O' Riordain heeft ze in zijn boek opgenomen, omdat hij ze een universeel karakter vindt hebben. Iedereen mag ze overnemen of aanpassen aan de eigen situatie, schreef hij erbij. Dat nam mijn laatste schroom weg om ze hier over te nemen.
Gebed aan het begin van de pelgrimstocht
God of all journeys,
Our beginning and our destination,
I hear your voice calling me to set out.
I hear you in my own restlessness and dissatisfaction:
we have not here a lasting city,
so I will arise and go to my Father.
I hear you calling me as you called Abraham and Moses:
' Go into the land which I shall show you.'
I hear in the voice of your Son:
' Come, follow me.'
I set out now in pilgrimage,
leaving aside the clutter and distraction of the world,
to walk in your presence,
to walk in the footsteps of your Son,
to walk in the footsteps of St Patrick
and all the good men and women who have journeyed before me.
I call on Jesus
to light my path and be my good shepherd.
I call on Mary
to guide my steps as she guided her son' s.
I call on Patrick and all the saints of Ireland,
to be my companions on the way.
I call on the good people who have lived and prayed in this place down the years
to pray for me now
that I may have strength and heart for the journey.
I gather all my heart and mind into my walking.
I gather all my longing and seeking into my walking.
I gather all my sorrow for sin into my walking.
I gather all my thanksgiving and delight into my walking.
I gather all my sorrow and heartbreak into my walking.
Let my every step be a prayer of all that is in me,
- all that I know and all that is dark and obscure.
Bless the path on which I go.
Bless the earth under my feet.
Bless the friends who walk by my side.
I set out in the name of the Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Gebed voor de wereld (lofprijzing en voorbeden)
Op een plek onderweg, bij voorkeur op een wat hoger gelegen plek zoals een heuveltop of op de bovenste verdieping van een gebouw, zie je de wereld om je heen - een wereld vol goedheid en schoonheid, een wereld van gebrek en kwaad. Met al zijn spanningen en verlokkingen is dit onze wereld, maar ook de wereld van God, zowel vol zonde als vol genade. De voorbeden hebben het karakter van een litanie.
God of the infinite spaces - Glory and praise to you
God of sun, moon and stars - Glory and praise to you
God of earth, sea and sky - Glory and praise to you
God of grass and tree and flower - Glory and praise to you
God of bird and beast and fish - Glory and praise to you
God of sunshine, wind and rain - Glory and praise to you
Father and lover of humanity - Glory and praise to you.
We cry to you on behalf of the world - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
That we may love and care for the earth, sea and air - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
That we may love and care for all your creatures - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
That we may love and care for al your people - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For those whose humanity is destroyed by hunger - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For those whose humanity is destroyed by the abuse of power - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For those whose humanity is destroyed by the sins of others - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are lost and lonely - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are sick and dying - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are depressed and despairing - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all whose hearts are broken - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who have lost the faith - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who do not know you - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are prisoners of addiction - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who seek you sincerely - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who seek you in the wrong places - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are lost in their own sins - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who struggle to make peace - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who struggle to do good - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who struggle to save others - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who have power and influence - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are powerless and oppressed - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For your church in service of the world - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
For all who are especially dear to our heart - God of mercy, hear our prayer.
Let us pray.
Father, it is good for us to be here and to lift our arms on behalf of the world.
We rejoice in it, because it is your beautiful creation.
We weep over it, because it is so full of suffering and tears.
May we always hold it in our hearts and bring to it the truth and goodness of your Son' s gospel.
We pray this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Gebed ter afsluiting van een pelgrimstocht
(bij voorkeur in een kerk of kapel)
My thanks to you, Father,
for the pilgrim journey I have undertaken.
My thanks for the strength and heart
to walk in your presence.
My thanks for your supporting love
along the way.
My thanks for rest and peace
now at the end of it all.
Here in your house
may I taste the peace of heaven,
may I taste the joy of being cleansed and forgiven,
may I taste the fulness of your love.
From this day forth
let all my journeys
echo with the meaning of this journey.
Wherever I go
let me bring with me a awareness of your presence
and the joy of your kingdom,
where you live with your Son and Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever. Amen.
John J. Ó Riordáin CSSR, The Columba Press, Dublin, 1997 p. 114-117
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